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Daily Schedule, Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Safe. Welcoming. Well-Run.

We strive to make your Commons experience pleasant from beginning to end.

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Daily Schedule 2024-25


Doors open. Bus arrivals and free morning care.

7:00 - 7:35

Breakfast. Free breakfast is available in the cafeteria every day.

7:50 - 2:00

Classes. School begins promptly at 7:50am. 

2:00 - 2:10

Bus Dismissal. Students can be bussed to a location of your choice.

2:10 - 2:30

Pick-Up Dismissal. Students can be picked up via car or walk-up.

2:30 - 5:30

After-School. Please fill out our low-cost/no-cost after-school survey.

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Car Arrival Procedures
  • Car Arrival officially begins at 7:30 am. Cars can only make a LEFT-hand turn into the parking lot from Maple St. Cars can line up on Maple St. on the west side of the street.

  • When entering the parking lot, follow the car ahead of you and wait for families ahead of you to unload. Please put your car in park for safety. Please do not pull into a parking space in the main lot. 

  • As you are entering the parking lot, please make sure your child is ready to get out of the car. 

  • Once all the children in the drop-off group are safely in the building, staff will alert cars it is time to pull out of the lot. Cars can only exit the lot by making a RIGHT-hand turn on Michigan Ave.

  • The next group of cars will then be directed into the drop-off loop. 

Car Dismissal Procedures
  • Car Dismissal officially begins at 2:20 pm. Cars can only make a LEFT-hand turn into the parking lot from Maple St. Cars can line up on Maple St. on the west side of the street.

  • When entering the parking lot, a staff member will direct cars into the pick-up loop. Please follow the car ahead of you, then put your car into park. Please do not pull into the parking spaces in the main lot.

  • Please make sure you have your “Commons Student Name Sign” in your car window before pulling into the parking lot.

  • A staff member will check names for dismissal. Please make sure you have your driver’s license/ID ready. 

  • At approximately 2:10 pm dismissal will begin and staff members will walk children to the cars in the pick-up loop.

  • Once all the children in the pick-up group are safely in their cars, staff will alert cars that it is safe to exit the lot.  Cars can only exit the lot by making a RIGHT-hand turn on Michigan Ave.

  • The next group of cars will then be directed into the pick up loop. 

Walk-Up Arrival Procedures
  • Families who are walking to school can drop off their child at the front entrance.

  • At the Front Entrance, a staff member will greet families and escort children to their classrooms.

Walk-Up Dismissal Procedures
  • At 2:10 pm, families can pick up walkers from the front door.

  • Upon arrival a staff member will greet families, check their driver's licenses, and escort children from the building. 

Bus Arrival Procedures (For Buffalo City Residents)
  • Bus Arrival begins at 7:00 am.

  • A staff member will greet children and escort them into the building.

Bus Dismissal Procedures (For Buffalo City Residents)
  • Bus Dismissal begins at 2:00 pm. 

  • Students may be bussed to any consistent location of a family's choice.

Bus Rules
  • While riding the bus, students are required to wear a seatbelt, remain in their seats, and adhere to the driver’s instructions. If a student is written up three times, BCCS retains the right to suspend them from using the bus. 

Additional Bus Information - Buffalo City School District
  • BCCS uses Buffalo Public School Transportation (BPST) services. The set up of routes and communication with families of pick-up/drop-off place & time will come directly from BPST. 

  • You can contact BPST directly by calling 716-816-4895.

  • BCCS coordinates bus transportation for all qualifying students who live in the Buffalo School District. Parents/Guardians can pick up a form to start or change bus service at the main office or download the 2022-2023 Transportation Application.

  • If you are changing your bus route due to a change in home address, please also notify our Registrar at

  • Please call the terminal directly for the best and most timely bus arrival information.​

    • 200 Busses: (716) 874-0544

    • 300 Buses: (716) 557-5369

    • 400 Busses: (716) 835-5410

    • 500 Busses: (716) 826-4771

    • 600 Busses: (716) 896-1171

    • 700, 800 & 900 Busses: (716) 894-4778

  • Note: If you need to change your child’s transportation within Buffalo, changes can take as long as two (2) weeks to go into effect.

  • Note: For students under age 6, an adult must meet the bus at the stop for the child to get off the bus.

Additional Bus Information - Other Districts of Residence
  • Families living outside the Buffalo District are responsible for setting up bus transportation with their district.

  • Once set up, BCCS coordinates bus transportation with each child's district of residence.

  • Please call the terminal directly for the best and most timely bus arrival information.

    • CHEEKTOWAGA CENTRAL:  (716) 686-3612

    • KEN-TON:  (716) 874-8611

    • WEST SENECA:  (716) 677-3820

    • SWEET HOME:  (716) 250-1435

    • NORTH TONAWANDA: (716) 807-3875

  • Note: Your home district’s calendar may differ from BCCS’ calendar — so it is important to submit the calendar along with the transportation application. You can find the calendar here. 

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